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... but why?

The answer is quite simple and it lies hidden in the origins of the words 'strategy' and talent.

Strategy comes to us from ancient Greek and originally denoted a military leader, the planner of military operations . . so strategic means simply a plan. Now we just need to look at the word 'talent'.

These days everyone seems to repeat the mantra "Employees are our most significant resource" and "We must nurture the organization's talent" as though the word 'talent' was a new addition to our vocabulary! The answer can be found in a 2000 year old manual for management - the New Testament., Matthew chapter 25, verse 14. The Parable of the Talents. A talent was originally a unit of weight, later becoming a unit of currency. So 'talent' is, in fact, money. So a talent strategy is revealed to be a plan for money. All money, it should be noted. It's not just the elite who possess talent - every single employee has talent.

So when HR SUCCESS collaborates with companies to develop a plan for strategic talent management we make a plan for all your talents, i.e. each one of your employees.
What can we help with?
We can transform words into actions, make a plan for your "live human money". We can ensure that you, as leaders, have a simple concept to follow which encompasses both your plans and the aspirations of your employees.
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